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Henderson Harbor Salmon Fishing

Heading up to Henderson Harbor on Thursday.  Any fishing information for salmon/trout and walleyes would be appreciated.

Thanks, Mark


Good luck. I've been out 5 or 6 times this year and haven't caught a salmon yet. Caught 2 lake trout today, one on a flasher fly combo, the other on a cowbell. We trolled for 3 or 4 hours without moving a rod so we dropped a cowbell & peanut down just to put a fish on the deck. We were marking some fish here and there, some in the 50 foot depth and a few more in the 110 to 150ft range. We tried spoons, meat rigs, flasher/fly, all on 4 riggers and 2 dipsy rods. It was a long day and we didn't see any other boats netting fish either.


I couldn't agree with you anymore. On penfish it's been to long for it not to happen

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I think a couple conditions make it difficult up here, for one the west wind is always pushing warm water and to make things even worse, the east end is rather shallow compared to the rest of the lake which makes finding temp a long haul out to deeper water, kinda acts like a lagoon up here.
I can generally find salmon but after talking to guys on the other end of the lake my 2-3 fish a trip is nothing compared to their daily limiting out. I only tend to find that in trench season

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someone is getting them up there.  I was up there over the weekend and on Monday there was a cleaning station cleaning a boat-full of salmon that a charter brought in that afternoon. I was kayak fishing all weekend and did not see more than 1 or 2 boats fishing the entire stoney point area at a time as far as I could see looking towards the islands


You have to fish where the fish are. This time of year it's the west end. They start migrating eastward in late July. Except for the wall in the shipping lanes ( long run) the Henderson area won't see numbers of salmon till mid August

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  On 7/8/2017 at 12:36 PM, guffins fisherman said:
When the wind cooperates, there are numbers of salmon to be had up here. IMG_20170627_131702650_HDR.thumb.jpg.f9c087fb15b0bb49c01dc2936d9c0a40.jpg

When were the fish caught ? Been fishing east end since the late 70's and it's been my experience that the major salmon staging around Henderson doesn't occur till mid August Lake trout ( yuck) are always available if you care to target them

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The shipping lanes are sometimes very hot. Nice catch. You're right. IF the wind cooperates. That's a long run and a seaworthy boat is a must. Have surfed back from there on some nasty waves

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Nice catch! even though the shoreline waves were rough last weekend, once you got out onto the lake it wasn't bad at all.  I'm hoping for at least one calm day this august to get the kayak back out to the wall.


I was catching kings early spring, I have a fairly reasonable idea why, and am gonna start targeting them way earlier from now on but they're there for sure

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4 salmon and 2 lake trout, lost several fish, including another king at the net.

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Out near the finger yesterday. Lost a salmon on 450 copper. Dropped down for lakers and picked one up before we went in.
Marked lots of bait and bigger hooks 80-110 fow over 140-150.

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Out yesterday just south of the finger picked up 2 kings (12 & 15 lbs.). & 1 laker. All on DR 110' down

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We went 5 for 5 on salmon yesterday just north and west of the finger in 150' of water.  It was a spoon bite 115' to 120' over 150'.  Black and silver NK28 and white/silver green dot stingers.  Trolling speed 2.3 to 2.7.  Huge pods of bait.  Lake was flat calm.


This is good news! My buddy Joe and I are going to be heading out for a venture late Tuesday morning to do afternoon fishing and give it a shot.. We will go in the morning if it doesn't rain/thunderstorm in the morning . Plan on launching from Stony since I'm sure we can not fit under the under cut in Henderson still. I stopped Wednesday on way back from Syracuse and seen the state launch was still high in Henderson. I will post our findings after. This is the first year with a brand new eTech 9.9hp 4 stroke and the brand new Fish hawk X4D plus! This should make for better results hopefully!

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