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OK guys, am I the only one? I go to the LOC homepage to the rules tab and I only find weigh station hours for the spring derby. I also believe that the minimum weights are larger for the fall derby(?). Does LOC post rules for the fall derby somewhere where I'm not looking or don't they update for each specific seasonal derby? The reason I question is that I just can't remember the fall minimum weights and weigh station closing times. I think they used to close weigh stations at 8pm, which we really thought was a bit early. Let's say you hook up with a hog at 7:30pm and it takes 20 min plus to put it in the net. No way you're gonna make it in. If my memory serves me well, I think we were pulling lines at 7:30pm last fall.


Dave, you're right. The weigh stations close at 8:00 I.M.O. for the fall L.O.C. I believe it's to early as well.Would like to see it go to 9:00 Many big kings are taken after the cutoff. I've suggested on a number of occasions, that this is the one area that I would like to see changed. I can see it for the spring but for the fall, its to early. Which leads me to ask, hypothetically you catch and boat a big king at 8:15 P.M. It is not eligible from what I understand for the derby. No carry overs. But You can go out on a full moon at 12:01 a.m and land a big king and this is- for its' the next day. So from 8:00 p.m to midnight those targets are out. Not complaining- just making a suggestion on how to enhance this derby. Been fishing it since the early days of ESLO. At one time there was the carryover. Just would like to see it come back or extend it 1 hour. Thats all.


yes i think the samething even if ya get a good one at 7pm there"s not much time too run in and race too the weight station if ur fishing in 500 fow, id like too see 9:30 as the cut off . It could also be a safty thing, just imagian RAY K with a big one and he can"t weigh in becouse its too late you now he"s going too have a heart attact and drop dead right there on the spot , so lets keep some of the old times around , MARK, i think you need too sticky this thead , and give it a thought i am sure you have a few old timer freinds out there , lol jonny


I am sure its 8pm because all the weigh stations are private business. The weigh station in Mexico is a campground and in the summer there office closes at 8. All the help is paid so the business would have to pay someone to stay later. So I am sure this is something that Dave has taken into account when he asked the weigh stations to help him with the Derby.

Good Luck to everyone this fall derby



I realize that most of the weigh stations are private businesses. But I learned a long time ago that being in business, you have to spend money to make money. Meaning, what if they had to pay someone to stick around an extra hour? How much do you think they ( the business owners) are missing out on by not staying open that 1 hour? Lost sales of tackle, ice etc. Many of us fish till dark and are not off the water until close to 9, thus possibly having to buy a few needed supplies. Sorry I don't buy that reason. My father told me years ago, that one has to make the hay while the sun is shining. For many of these local weigh stations, the sun shines most brightly during the 2 1/2 weeks of the Fall L.O.C. Not like we are talking around the clock service here. Narby's at the Oak does in fact stay open til 9:00 but the cutoff is still at 8:00. Let's do this then. Don't start the weigh in's at 9:00 a.m but back it off until 10a.m.- then move the cutoff at 9:00p.m. Thus the stations are open the same amount of time. Or name 1 weigh station at each port (such as Narby's at the Oak) who has the authority to stay open until 9:00. Doesn't seem that hard to accommodate this request from the very people who support this derby and fishery. Dave Chilson has done a phenomenal job with this derby and is trying to maintain the highest of standards in this format. Just think it could be brought to a little higher with this request.


OK, now what are the minimums? I think it's 25# for salmon and 10# for trout in the fall? I'm sure all my answers are in the fall LOC newspaper but I haven't picked one up yet. Would be nice if fall specific info was posted on the rules tab where applicable.


hey Duane,

Stop in at Narby's and tell Sharon that she should stay open longer to weigh in fish :shock: :shock: :shock:

Let me know how you make out with that.

Missed you on Sunday, called a couple of times on 07 to say hi but you must have been elsewhere.



Capt. Carl, I know what you mean with Sharon and such. I'm only saying what their hours are and such. I see they hired Dennis from the old Capt. Cove. I think that she is somewhat frustrated ( as usual) in that she has had the place up for sale, breaking her leg over the winter, but mostly as she always has said and I can verify, trying to find good help that wants to work. But Dennis is a good addition to that establishment. Sorry I missed you on Sunday. We went to the Village Inn on Saturday evening after the severe weather statement came thru. Talked to your customers that were going out with you on Sunday. Told them they were going with an excellent Capt. and that you would show them a good time. Told them to convey my saying Hi. Sent you a PM on Monday. I have the radio set on scan for the most part. Must be why I missed you calling. I may make a trip up on Sunday, but have an extended stay planned for the 22nd thru the 1st. Most defiantly will get over to see you at some point. Saw your pics on the Oak site. Good job and nice going. Be talking at you soon-Duane- HeavenBound P.S. Dave I do believe you are correct in your weights on this.

  ray koziatek said:
if you preregister at the begining of the derby(everyone on boat)then you should be able to carryover anything caught after the first day.

You can not carry over a fish from one day to the next. The one rule states the fish must be weighed in on the day it is caught.


my bad, i wasnt stating the rules but responding to a easy resolve to allow the stations to close early and still be able to weigh in the big one in the morning . If you were preregistered and everyone on your boat was (before the derby started not the day you fish) .Who cares when you caught it .someone gets outa work at 5pm heads out and sets up by 6 catches fish at 7 and misses weighin time ,I could see a why even enter attitude ,specially if the weekends were for other events and the only fishing time was after work.And for the guys who might have a 1 hour drive after work trailering there boats the trip would be useless for the most part .I just see it as a easy resolve with no added work for Dave or anyone involved ,Takes the pressure off the weigh in stations to stay open later,Might get more people to get involved in the the derby,And for diehards like me who have great sucess with a evining bite gives them a little more fishing time for my limited time im able to be at the lake with a full crew.Also for the agressive Charters or even a new breed of evning charters it could add a few more bucks to the economy .But im justa plummer.


I agree. Why can't you hold over fish until the next morning? It is not like we are going to go catch a bigger king in another lake and bring it here to weigh in.


Its to prevent cheating. Someone catches a big fish and they are not entered. They buy a pass and weigh the fish in the next day. I think the rules are just fine. You know what they are for the derby, just follow them instead of complaining about it. Same thing every year. It a well run derby!



rr read before you reply .thank you.And the reason the same rules come up year after year is because there is enuf intrest or concern to see a rule change without causing a lot of extra work for those involved .thats why i suggested PRE REGISTERED """,pre"" being a key word here .We all understand the current rules and they are what they are for but the prerigstering would solve all with no extra work.


Ray, not everyone will pre register. I feel if Dave thought it would benifit the derby, he would have implemented it a few years ago. They way its set up is to protect US non cheating fishermen and women. 20K is a good wad of cash and despite US that play by the rules, there will be someone who won't and Dave has done well to protect US!

I totally understand and abide by the rules. I understand that I have to weigh a fish in by 8:00 pm. When we fish the pro am we HAVE to be inside the peir heads at 2:00 or a fish hooked after 1:00 is not eligable. No body moans about that. To me this is the same thing.



Geez guys, I didn't mean to start the same old controversy that goes on year after year. I just wanted the FALL rules clarified. Rules are rules and I'll follow them. Now, what about night fishin' with the full moon up? Fish caught after midnight should be eligible, right? We do walleye at night quite a bit. Never for kings. Might give it a shot but don't want to tangle with a waterspout like Pecos Bill at night.


omg,i know everyone will NOT preregister then they would not qualify to catch a fish or fish as they please after 8pm.But for the hundreds of Pro/Ams fishermen and all the others that register well in advance of these derbys it would take the pressure off for a nice evning fishing time specially in the summer when the bite goes on well after 9 pm .I and others here are not MOANING about the rules we all understand them and accept them ,but a minor change with NO added work load to anyone involved might make this derby more attractive to more poeple.If i feel I can make a POSITIVE suggistion as to help out this derby ,then as a partisipant i will offer tips and suggestions to help smooth out any conflicts poeple may have with the current rules.If you dont agree to change or help more people get involved to the point where 20th place might pay 500.00 instead of 25 or 50 bucks ,then that is fine but if you think positive and upward maybe WE ALL can help improve this Great Derby. Seems to me in the old days not only money was involved but free boats and fishing equiptment was involved too .Maybe the extra imcome could pay another persons wages whos job it was to seek out sponsers act as a PR person and really give this derby a big push. I live 120 miles from lake Ontario i feel i could saftly say no more than 100 people in my town of 20,000 have ever heard of the LOC... Im done gotta get ready for my 8 days of the fall loc, lets see 700.00 room,300.00gas,400.oo food ,500.00 beerand another 200.00 tackle i dont need and 100.00 to replace lost tackle i lost id say every team that gets in the derdy could have a hudge impact on the local economy ,but iz just a plummer


didnt want to give a bad impression ,forgot to include what the other 2 guys might spend .sence ive started this lake ontario addiction ive spent well over 20,000.00 i the last 5 years mostly around the lake area.and thats just my bar tab :shock:


Scott, I can assure you that I do understand the rules and play by them to a tee. Have since the early days of E.S.L.O. I simply don't agree with the cutoff time. Nothing wrong with constructive criticism ( such as Mark bringing to light about Rec boat names) and trying to point out an area that needs addressed I.M.O. and by many others. Duane-HeavenBound

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