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Thanks bluefin54 It’s amazing with traditional gear this is my third season and I’m not looking back 3 bucks and 2 doe so far south it

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Going to be a rainy sit this afternoon. Oh well you take what you get.

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November 1 am
37 degrees
S wind 5-7 mph

Picture perfect morning. I honestly couldn't ask for better conditions. But apparently the deer didn't think so. Only four deer seen from the stand this morning. Very uneventful.

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Showed up to my afternoon set about an hour later then I wanted to. (Damn work.) Deer already in the field including a young buck that let me walk by about 70 yards and get in my stand. He's out in front of me now about 125 yards. As I am typing he is heading right to me... He's now 80 yards. Crazy.

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I had a great morning but have yet to see one this afternoon

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I just drove down edge of corn field. That butts up to my woods Because they are cutting as I’m turning around. 17-18” 8 point walks by 40 yards from Truck not a care in the world. Lucky my buck tag is filled

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This morning was nuts. 6 bucks and I saw 5 of them multiple times in a 3 hour stretch. It was like they were grid searching this one chunk of woods for a hot doe.

One fat 8 point right at noon but not a shooter, none of the bucks were shooters. It was still an awesome hunt. Got some good video.

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Thanks guys! Went with a Buddy this morning we saw 4 does and 2 bucks one small 6 and one 8 probably close to 120. He's never shot a buck and we got the buck to 15yds n he shoots right over his back... Buck fever! He just spooked like 10yds n trotted away. So hopefully he gets another chance at him!

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Today is my first day of 2 weeks of rutcation. Slow morning saw 5 doe and 1 2 year old. Derry a stand this afternoon sit down to pull my bow up and a big wide 8 is walking in my direction. Get the bow in hand and came by at 40 yards but no shot opportunity. Only deer so far this afternoon so far.

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Biggest deer I’ve ever seen hunting. Something out of Lee and Tiffany. Wtf

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Great sit! 7 bucks and lost count of does. Had the only 3.5 year old that I have on camera almost killed! Just couldn't get a shot.... back to work tomorrow unfortunately then the grind begins. Damn it so close tonight!

  On 11/1/2017 at 1:21 PM, strutnrut62 said:
[attachment=59866:IMG_1464.JPG well a little late but this season has been great so for with two down so far. My traditional quest has been awesome with my biggest buck to date with my long bow couldn’t ask for a better start to my season! Good luck to everyone that hasn’t punched a tag yet

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Nice deer looks big bodied!!

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And thank you. He is my second best bow by weight and 3rd best deer by rack score with bow

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November 1 pm
45 degrees
S wind 5 mph
Occasional sprinkle

Lots and lots of deer tonight. 23+ deer seen from the set tonight. I'm amazed that the cut bean field has that much attraction to deer. Only two first year racks tonight. One of them aggressively chased every doe and fawn he could.

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I think it's already started. It seems like we're in the boom or bust phase, which means it's on. Location is critical though. We had lots of activity this morning, then nothing in the evening. The party moved.


The fun should continue for a week and begin to taper after the full moon. It's time to get out there!


November 2 am

52 degrees

Sw wind 20+


Overnight rain becoming drizzle and ending around 9


High winds, rain, and warm front equal terrible conditions on stand this morning. Probably picked the wrong stand this morning and wish I had been in thick cover instead of the wind beaten funnel I was in. Two small bucks and that was it this morning.


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