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this float fishing craze is rediculous, doesnt anyone know how to fish any more? cmon guys teaching your kid how to fish for sunfish with a float is one thing but grown men cmon and learn how fish like a man! it must be all those guys who cross state lines. no self respecting fisherman would use a float, dang bennies


Ha ha--

Is this guy serious? bobber fishing and float fishing are 2 TOTALLY different tactics.....

Somedays floatfishing outproduces everything else on the creek. A nice juicy egg sac, made with home cured eggs, hand tied and drifted with a properly weighted split shot spread and presented correctly...you cant beat it!

And were LOCKED>...... :yes::rock:


Come on you guys remember those fish do not bite when they enter the river, so lets line them. Yea when those floats drop it is because the line gets wrapped on the fishes fins etc. WTF Wake up and smell the coffee, tell my 9 and 7 year olds that float fishing is not fun.



yeah you are right float fishing is stupid we only went 13 for 20 last saturday fishing the Oswego River biggest steelhead being 10 lbs using centerpins and Noodle rods. Dumb float rods they suck. Pictures coming soon.

  Penn yan 88 said:
yeah you are right float fishing is stupid we only went 13 for 20 last saturday fishing the Oswego River biggest steelhead being 10 lbs using centerpins and Noodle rods. Dumb float rods they suck. Pictures coming soon.

YEa all of them were hooked the mouth also, imagine that.



wish i could say you guys are right, not saying they dont work but i would never resort to something so easy it takes the fun and challenge out of it. but to each his own. just saying i dont get it! like doing things the old fashioned way


What's with the out of state reference? I'm from PA and almost exclusively fish in NY. So for that, am I to be classified in a certain manner? Grow up pal!! Next you'll probably criticize the lake fisherman for using the various equipment that we do. You probably use a rowboat right ? Who are you to judge who is respectable or not ???


That's the second post in the last couple of months mentioning out of state fishermen doing something either illegal or not the way "we" New Yorkers do it. What makes some people think that "ALL" the NY state fishermen are so righteous about how we fish. I am sure that most of all fishermen across this country fish both legally and responsibly but unfortunately there are a few knuckleheads that slip through the cracks that make us all :puke: .

There is nothing illegal about float fishing. :wait: I am sure you (lennybones) are the best stream fisherman around, only using home made hand tied flies with ultra light tackle :clap:

Maniac don't let it get to ya!


I'm not the biggest fan of Pin fishing. It seems too easy to me. I like flyfishing (the real way with fly line) it is more of a challenge. Learning proper drifts and mending are the keys to catching fish. Flipping a bobber out and watching it float down the stream seems to easy to me. Using 4lb line for steelies and breaking off most of the fish hooked is not that much fun too me either. To each there own I guess.


I like fishing for steelhead the traditional way. Nobody better try sending a float through my drift. I'll reach down from the overhanging branch upon which I'm sprawled out and grab it. Caveman fishing, yeah buddy. It's the only traditional way to fish. If you aren't dropping boulders out of trees onto fish then you had better be running through the riffs chasing after them.

I know the regs don't allow you to throw rocks at them or grab them with your hands but, as a caveman I should be able to use the old ways if I choose.

Drift fishing, fly fishing, float fishing. Pick your tool and have fun. Just remember that if you are using anything but your hands or rocks, you’re doing it the easy way, not the traditional caveman way.

  lennybones said:
wish i could say you guys are right, not saying they dont work but i would never resort to something so easy it takes the fun and challenge out of it. but to each his own. just saying i dont get it! like doing things the old fashioned way

I am just curious what the old fashioned way is?

I for one think float fishing is great. Have caught fish bottom bouncing and with lures but love the control of a float setup in a river. I do have to admit though, catching these fish on cleos from the piers is great also. It is a close call for me though, watching your float go down or getting a rip on a cleo. Both ways are good methods but when you are in a river or stream float fishing is the way to go, in my opinion.


I don't think people should be allowed to use floats or center pin setups or downriggers, or dipsy rods or down speed monitors or sonar or boats or even any intelligence at all to catch fish! I mean where's the sport in any of that?

  • 2 weeks later...

xdbcx, the traditional way is whatever you were using before you used floats, with the exception of snagging hooks of course. in fact why did anyone start using floats, was what you were doing before floats too hard for you?

  lennybones said:
xdbcx, the traditional way is whatever you were using before you used floats, with the exception of snagging hooks of course. in fact why did anyone start using floats, was what you were doing before floats too hard for you?

Constant change is here to stay- but don't throw the baby out with the bathwater!


right on gambler u get it. its about learning how to properly present a fly or sac that teaches u why that fish bit so you can replicate a proper drift or know that a mend is necessary to catch. not just chuckin out a float and waiting for it to go down your not learning anything about the how and why.


htis whole thread gave me a good laugh....dont float fish personally for trout but for pike with a big chub under a bobber relaxing with your buddies waiting for the monster to attack that is a ton of fun.....i just look at it as who cares what the other guys are doing as long as its legal focus your attention on snaggers and people who are actually doing somethign wrong....to the float guys more power to you if thats what you enjoy you shouldn't be critized for it

  lennybones said:
right on gambler u get it. its about learning how to properly present a fly or sac that teaches u why that fish bit so you can replicate a proper drift or know that a mend is necessary to catch. not just chuckin out a float and waiting for it to go down your not learning anything about the how and why.

See that is where you are wrong, it is all not just about chucking a float and watching. You have to have the correct lead length, correct shot pattern to get the proper drift, correct bait, and many other variables. I have had days when you have to hold the float back, so it is not going with the current in order to get the fish to hit.

So maybe you should not bash someone for doing it their own way, unless they are in violation of the law. If you do not like the fact that someone enjoys chucking floats, or the fact that it has become one of the best ways of producing frish, I am sorry. But I can tell you it is the least way you will find fish being lined, snagged, flossed, or what ever you want to call it. I thik this issue is dead, let it be, just get out and fish which ever way you enjoy.


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