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Some people are just jealous watching the center pinners putting them to shame every time they are out on the tribs. I know i am and that's why I plan on getting one. I'm going to use 2lb test so hopefully I can break every one off....lol


rich, take this way too personally man stop cryin like a little girl, all im sayin is i dont get it you call those things variables, yeah ok. catch a fish without an egg sac for once dude tou do realize your getting angry at a computer right?


The traditional way my be harder and for you fly guys/traditional fisherman who thinks its the only way to fish, you are simply crazy and when you call out float fisherman you are being retarded. To think its as easy as chucking it out there you must either have your head up your :mooning: or just never done it before. Mending the line is very important in float fishing, and as rich said there are many other factors. To hear people call out legal types of fishing when the majority of guys here posting like to smash salmanoids with huge spreads, or use top notch sonar to pull fish of the bottom seems a bit hipocrytical. And i obviously have no bad thoughts about trolling as i love it also and when that season comes to and end i actually get happy because its time to catch winter steelhead, and if your man enough to fight the weather and weekend warriors more power to you wether you fly fish or float fish.


yeah mending monofilament, you do realize that mono has no weight so how would you mend it? If you mean pulling the float towards you, then that is not a mend! love to see you mend light mono but whatever you think a mend is it doesnt come close to a mend using fly line


lennybones.......your a trip man keep posting youve brightened up 2 days in a row for me....just crazy to see that somebody is actually that narrow minded to bash somebody for something legal and effective for catching fish even if it isn't up to your standards


Ok as all or most of the "Traditional" fly guys I see on the rivers now, they are using Chuck and Duck, unless you go to the Fly Zones on the SR, which they are still doing even though the laws state no extra weight to propell the line forward. I have seen it first hand, and have called the DEC, so don't say it is not happening. SO must be chuck and duck is the tradional way to fly fish, take that to a FLy fishing site and see how far it gets you. You do have to mend the mono or the Braid when you are float fishing, so it seems MR LB does not know what he is talking about whne it comes to that, but I know he is god as it seems here. I am done here, I have Steelies to catch on the river, and Salmon to catch when the boat hits the water. Take your conceited :mooning: and go some place else, just because the Floaters do it differantly than the " Traditional Way". You keep doing your "traditional way " and I will continue to kick your arse with the float on numbers, that are hooked in the mouth and not lined or flossed.



Ok guy's chill a little bit. Both methods are legal. It all depends on your preference. But throwing stone's at each other and mooning each other over another's preferred way of fishing is getting old and going no place. :no:

  • 1 year later...

I think he is a out of stater look close at his location I think nj means New Jersey??????????????

P.S I love to float fish when it is needed to catch fish


I was kind of wondering, if my eyes deceive me but does it or does it not say that lennybones is from ewing nj. ???


I'm no expert at stream fishng. This past weekend I was fishing a trib and we did extremely well floating. Ive never done it before and I have to admit it was fun. I was surrounded by guys who were fly fishing. They had thier share of action. I did happen to notice that they ,as a group, snagged more than were legally taken. When one of them hooked a fish in the mouth they announced it so everyone would know . I kinda laughed to myself and kept on getting bites. Probably had 30 bites and only two were fouled. I immediately broke the foul hooked fish off. The other guys hauled them in by tails and fins. I am not steriotyping flyfishermen, heck the casting alone is an art, just reporting what I witnessed.


float fishing is great, fly fishing is great, trolling is great and so is bottom bouncing. Why? Because they are all FISHING techniques!

what the heck do you care what someone else is doing? (unless you are jealous because they are catching more than you!! :devil: )

do what you want as long as its legal and enjoy the fish and the outdoors! :yes:

I'll try em all in the same day if means I get fish pulling on my line!! :D

Dahlberg stage 4 - catch em the way YOU want to catch em.


stage 1 - catch fish

stage 2 - catch a LOT of fish

stage 3 - catch a really BIG fish

Tight lines everyone!


Agreed with Kremer01. People have different preferences and therefore that is what a variety of techniques is for....some enjoy floating, some enjoy bouncing and many enjoy fly fishing...it is all a personal preference, and in all 3 cases you will catch fish. People grow up learning different methods and techniques so please...enough degrading people who float just because you dont feel it suits your personal fishing tactics. Just go and catch em!!!!!! n by the way i float fish, bottom bounce, fly fish and troll...not a type of fishing i dont enjoy..to all TIGHT LINES n go get em!


God I sure hope that people outside of NY don't think the same about us, or my walleye fishing in ND or Marlin fishing in Cabo may come to end and that would really suck big time. All you out of staters come to my camp anytime would love having you !!!!!!!!!!



It seems to me after doing this a long time & a lot of diferent ways that each method has its day of being the best way to present your offering. But I must admit when I went from a mono rig w/ floats to a fly rod with fly line & had to cast & mend in a lot of different situations on the stream, it was like going from a slug gun to a bow for deer.Mega adjustments. Bait compaired to a fly is like apples & oranges. Bait makes up for a lot of angler mistakes that a fly fished on a fly line won't .


Thats the only way pinhead can catch fish1 i'll go 1 on 1 with any pinhead with my fly rod and without a strike indicator, thats a joke too. :no:

  Missdemeanor said:
I'm no expert at stream fishng. This past weekend I was fishing a trib and we did extremely well floating. Ive never done it before and I have to admit it was fun. I was surrounded by guys who were fly fishing. They had thier share of action. I did happen to notice that they ,as a group, snagged more than were legally taken. When one of them hooked a fish in the mouth they announced it so everyone would know . I kinda laughed to myself and kept on getting bites. Probably had 30 bites and only two were fouled. I immediately broke the foul hooked fish off. The other guys hauled them in by tails and fins. I am not steriotyping flyfishermen, heck the casting alone is an art, just reporting what I witnessed.

that goes to show u how hard it is to float fish, first time doing it.


WOW... something sure got the flea flickers' panties in a wad.

in the immortal words of Sgt Hulka: Lighten Up Francis!!! ;):D:beer:



The last I checked us out of staters 70.00 license is what a majoritiy of how state of ny manages it's fisheries and can afford to run the hatcheries that produce the fish that are in your rivers and the last I checked a big percentage of out of states is what flips the bill for the up state fishery ansd the big lake!!!! So don't make a stink of use people from out of state because if it wasn't for us the town of Pulaski and residing area would servive????


Ha I spin fish and float fish for trout. So I get the dirty looks from both sides of the coin. Only the funny part is they usually end up watching me land several trout before they hit one with a fly. But hey I give the purist flyboys their space and they usually give me mine. It's those darn pinners making 80 ft drifts you gotta watch out for ;)

  lennybones said:
this float fishing craze is rediculous, doesnt anyone know how to fish any more? cmon guys teaching your kid how to fish for sunfish with a float is one thing but grown men cmon and learn how fish like a man! it must be all those guys who cross state lines. no self respecting fisherman would use a float, dang bennies

I troll salmon and trout and feel that float fishing is exactly like trolling... brain-less; none-the-less, both are the most effective way to load the boat. You are either an a-hole trying to provoke people or just ignorant.

Ask me how I feel about golf, bowling, kniting, chess, flying kites and the rest of the things other people do that I don't. Well I will tell you; I think it is great that there is diversity in this world. Imagin if every person in NY had a boat rigged to troll salmon and they hit the big O every day... combat fishing would take a new meaning.

If you are just ignorant, sit back and respect other people's hobbies and be thankful that every person in this world doesn't have the exact hobby you do. :no:


OK guys, you've been warned before about name calling. This is the final warning, should you persist, actions will be taken and the thread locked.

Sit back, relax, & count your lures & flies or something. Get ready for open water. ;)


Sorry Moderator. The tread should have been pulled down upon the initial post... it atacked center piners which was bound to proke a truthful responses and negativity. I will mind my manors moving forward.

  mgatley said:
Sorry Moderator. The tread should have been pulled down upon the initial post... it atacked center piners which was bound to proke a truthful responses and negativity. I will mind my manors moving forward.

This forum is one of the best I've ever seen and the guys on here will disagree from time to time on various issues. As mods, we try to let things run their course as long as it doesn't get out of hand. If an issue does, we give a warning if it's not too severe, otherwise the member's post is deleted. We don't run it as a gestapo organization, thus the thread was allowed for members to voice their opinion, good or bad, also the reason for not locking the thread. We will continue to agree to disagree from time to time, but that's good, we all learn from each other, but let's do it civilly. ;)

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