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Could you design and build a weight that planes down like a dipsey to have less blow back with a lighter weight or would the planing effect be just as hard on the motor as additional weight? Would it move around too much ?


I would think the fact that any type of "planning weight" needs to be pulled, in order to generate downward force. That would likely negate any of the "less blowback" effects the shape would have. Plus the heavier the weight the more force would be needed to pull it to where the wings would start to overcome the weight of it (depending on the size of the wings I guess). I don't have a physics degree or anything so I could be wrong but that's just what I think. Just think about the divers we all use (dipsey, slide, chinook, etc), There is a ton of force on the rods and those things only have ounces of weight on them.

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