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Drove by the river Sunday morning after my coffe, fully expecting to see it completely iced in after the previous few nights of single digits. It was pretty iced up, but I saw a boat out there... had to give it a try. With very little water to fish.. it didn't take long to search for the walleyes. After two hours I was about to hang it up and was just drifting back down to the launch when I nailed a nice eater. Motored back up and got another on the next drift! Then I beached the boat on the ice and pitched a jig to this small spot where they must have been stacked like firewood! I caught about twenty nice walleyes in about twenty casts.. kept five nice eater males.. dropped the females (including about a six pouder) back in.. and went home very happy! God.. I love my river! Good Fishing, Sluggo (Chris)


I did real well there last week. It was not to hard to find them. I fished a different section of river than normal but it is well worth it.


You must like company in that 100 ft. of open water, or possibly you just like blowing your horn, the first nice weekend there won't be room for the poor guy that can only fish weekends!! What could you possibly do with all these limits of eaters? I hope there will be walleys left for my children to fish for!! fishdick 69


This is not Lake Ontario, a 500 yard long section of river with no stocking and 20 boats is not a good situation. Not everyone lets the breeders go! If everybody would be sportsmen and not gamehogs, it would make a big differance.

  fishdick69 said:
You must like company in that 100 ft. of open water, or possibly you just like blowing your horn, the first nice weekend there won't be room for the poor guy that can only fish weekends!! What could you possibly do with all these limits of eaters? I hope there will be walleys left for my children to fish for!! fishdick 69

Do you want some cheese with that wine?


Fishdick.. (nice name by the way).. I don't usually respond to replies like yours, but I'm in a good mood today!

Company? I love company! I know most of the guys who fish down there and we have a ball playing "bumper boats"!

Blowing my horn? I've been fishing the river for around fifty years.. my horn blowing days are long over. The truth is.. I'm just a helpful person by nature. I enjoy sharing info and tips and seeing others do well!

All those limits? I've never had any walleye get freezer burn! We had last Wednesday's limit on Thursday.. and Sunday's limit last night. They were delicious, I might add!

As for your Grandkids.. they'll do fine! The river fishing has never been better! Prior to the spawners moving up-river, it's nothing to go down and catch a hundred under-sized walleye in an outing. Personally, I think that most of the guys are pretty concientious about letting most of the girls go back. I try to keep only males.. or females over 13 pounds ;) !

If you see me down there in my silver Sea-Nymph (2 black motors on it).. swing by and say "Hi"! Good Fishing, Sluggo (Chris)


I would agree that most people on this thread are sportsmen but I've observed alot of greedy people when the bite is hot in the spring. I think the steelheaders would agree that info is good but to much could ruin a spot!


Suck it up cupcake. Thanks for the info Sluggo.

Spreading the word of whats working makes the fishing experience alot more enjoyable for those sportsmen like myself (and anyone on this site for that matter) that takes the time to read and contribute who can't make it out all the time. I hate the greediness of fish dicks, and I'm sure there's alot more than 69 of them! :o

  fishdick69 said:
You must like company in that 100 ft. of open water, or possibly you just like blowing your horn, the first nice weekend there won't be room for the poor guy that can only fish weekends!! What could you possibly do with all these limits of eaters? I hope there will be walleys left for my children to fish for!! fishdick 69

Well put fishdick69.Some people have to learn to keep there mouth shut.Thanks to sluggos"MY RIVER" reports well have to contend with 30 boats this weekend.


Untill you two brought this up for further and further and further review most would not have done more than glance and think he had a good day now you got me thinking about heading down that way to wet a line ,thanks 69 and 40


make that at least 45 me and the fleet from sandy creek are going to be there thanks for the info and maybe 69 and 40 could get a clue use this site correct instead of just getting tips :@ or are they "sellers"


Me, my brother Darryl, and my other Brother Darryl will be there - haven't heard back from the rest of my kin yet :dance: Hank, I'm bringin the BIG boat so we'll have the right o'way.


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