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Today I got the opportunity to take a solo trip. Got to the waypoints and the temp dropped a touch, pulled out the coppers and the rigger and was all in. Started out slow as I searched and circled but turned on as the rec boats started getting active. Had a triple at one point with 2 jumping bows and a brown, lost one of the bows, got the other 2. Afternoon really turned on, and copper was king, a few walleye came up in the column to play. A couple lakers up high out of the temp, but that's no surprise. All in all a great day, was fun to reel one in for once, kept a box, and let a lot go to play again. Fleas starting to pick up, speeds 2.6 and up, weeds not bad on either side. Blue and chartreuse were the ticket today.












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Hi lyk2fish... did the eyes come from deeper trout water? I have a rental house last week of August. I am hoping to get one.


Yes Stillwater, eyes out deep suspended under bait with smallmouth, even the pike I got earlier in the week was suspended over 150 ft.    


Alex, only reason I’m dialed in is because your not out there showing those Bows how it’s done. I haven’t ventured much onto your grounds yet, but I know the mega bows are up there.


Lyk2fish, Thanks for sharing!! Your such an inspiration to get out and fish. I was catching an occasional lake trout earlier this season with a downrigger close to the bottom but lately haven't had any luck at all. I've rigged up with some 16 lb lead core with 25 ft of 20 lb florocarbon leader and have tried spoons and sticks but no luck in four times out. Can you get me pointed in the right direction? Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks again!!!


First of all Long Time, I would tell you your leader is too big, downsize your leader to 10-12 lb. lite line is a gamble, and fleas build on it, but I feel I take more hits and I manage my drags on my reels. Run your core off boards away from the boat. Fish are all over on both sides and the center.........it’s not so much about location on the lake but location in the water column. I use my finder and my fish hawk to determine the thermocline......if you don’t have a hawk.......get a TD model from them, they are inexpensive compared to the base mount units and it will tell you the temp in 5 ft increments, you just hook it on your core and let it out and retrieve it. The classified section of this forum usually has them for sale.  You have to determine the temp breaks to set your spread right. 47-52 is usually good temp and I’ll set above it. If I get lakers, I’ll set even higher. Seems crazy to pull away from fish but lakers are not what I personally want to catch, and I have found that once lakers take over a column, they take it over.  Through my experience your hits will come out of the temp for silvers and eyes and bass........seeing marks on your finder can sometimes fool you into where to set your riggers, core or copper........alewife are primary forage, match lure to it, sticks or spoons big or small, when you get a hit or hits on same lure, adjust all in hat color and size.  Next, know your drop rates for your core and copper. I always start just above temp and adjust my copper and core accordingly or at least I think I do. Remember as I have said in my posts, there are days I troll for HOURS before I get a hit.........during that time I am constantly adjusting my copper and my cores until I get a bite.........then I fine tune and am dialed in..........I don’t troll in straight lines, I zig zag which constantly speeds up and slows down my spread......I pay attention to what speeds and on what part of my turn I’m getting hit on..........and once I find fish.......I stay there circling and circling......you have to have a relentless approach.......and don’t leave fish to find them......as we all know it’s not easy, it’s work and if your not tired after a day of working your spread, then you might not have done enough. If you want silver fish, commit that your gonna put hours in to get the hit....I can tell you I put in years to figure these fish out.....I’m a walleye guy, not a trout guy, so I had to learn....I have noticed that fish have come up out of the temp and are viscous on biting with little effort then they leave and you sit here scratching your head thinking you did something wrong.........that’s fishing.......finally, put hours on the water.......commit to what you want to catch, developed your plan and execute.......you’ll be rewarded.

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Nice job on the silvers and great post:yes:


You made the comment the fish got going with the recreational boaters hitting the lake.  Is the thought that the bait scatters so the predators become more active in pursuit?  Ive heard others talk of getting silvers behind the motor due to the turbulence created.  Same principle?


Yeah Reel Doc, I find this happening for me more the last couple years. When boat traffic picks up some days the rods start firing........now it could be due to bait scatter, but for me I feel it is the maneuvering of my boat on quick turns to avoid other boats. The triple I experienced, was when I was maneuvering between 2 boats that were coming down the lake and not giving me time to properly avoid them, I had to make some quick turns that comprised my spread and luckily didn’t tangle everything up and rods went off.......I thought I had a mess to clean up at first..........then the rods started screaming.....turned my frown into a smile real quick.

  On 7/27/2020 at 9:39 PM, lyk2fish said:

First of all Long Time, I would tell you your leader is too big, downsize your leader to 10-12 lb. lite line is a gamble, and fleas build on it, but I feel I take more hits and I manage my drags on my reels. Run your core off boards away from the boat. Fish are all over on both sides and the center.........it’s not so much about location on the lake but location in the water column. I use my finder and my fish hawk to determine the thermocline......if you don’t have a hawk.......get a TD model from them, they are inexpensive compared to the base mount units and it will tell you the temp in 5 ft increments, you just hook it on your core and let it out and retrieve it. The classified section of this forum usually has them for sale.  You have to determine the temp breaks to set your spread right. 47-52 is usually good temp and I’ll set above it. If I get lakers, I’ll set even higher. Seems crazy to pull away from fish but lakers are not what I personally want to catch, and I have found that once lakers take over a column, they take it over.  Through my experience your hits will come out of the temp for silvers and eyes and bass........seeing marks on your finder can sometimes fool you into where to set your riggers, core or copper........alewife are primary forage, match lure to it, sticks or spoons big or small, when you get a hit or hits on same lure, adjust all in hat color and size.  Next, know your drop rates for your core and copper. I always start just above temp and adjust my copper and core accordingly or at least I think I do. Remember as I have said in my posts, there are days I troll for HOURS before I get a hit.........during that time I am constantly adjusting my copper and my cores until I get a bite.........then I fine tune and am dialed in..........I don’t troll in straight lines, I zig zag which constantly speeds up and slows down my spread......I pay attention to what speeds and on what part of my turn I’m getting hit on..........and once I find fish.......I stay there circling and circling......you have to have a relentless approach.......and don’t leave fish to find them......as we all know it’s not easy, it’s work and if your not tired after a day of working your spread, then you might not have done enough. If you want silver fish, commit that your gonna put hours in to get the hit....I can tell you I put in years to figure these fish out.....I’m a walleye guy, not a trout guy, so I had to learn....I have noticed that fish have come up out of the temp and are viscous on biting with little effort then they leave and you sit here scratching your head thinking you did something wrong.........that’s fishing.......finally, put hours on the water.......commit to what you want to catch, developed your plan and execute.......you’ll be rewarded.




Lyk2fish, I have a fish hawk otw, changed my leaders to 10 lbs test. Would  I be in the ballpark  to be using sutton 35 size spoons and shad rap type sticks? I have yellow birds for boards, will they work with core? I'm pushing  80 so I can't  put as much time into fishing  as I use to.... I get for a couple  hours  about  once a week  weather permitting... your post have been  a great  aspiration  and gives me something fun to look forward to... Thanks again!!


Thanks for sharing the pictures and the insight to your successes!!


Longtime........yes those spoons and sticks will work. Remeber with a shad rap your gonna have extra dive, so you need to figure that into your drop. If you dont want to calculate all that, I would suggest jr thundersticks, they used to be king in thus lake, and they still produce.  Yellow birds should hold the core.....I use off shore brand....they work well and have a little bit more strength,  remember, you dont have to have the core out a mile from your boat, get it out the best you can. Good luck.

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