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I will be fishing out of Henderson from Aug 5-9. I plan on taking one morning to try to get a walleye as I have always wanted to catch one but never seen one. I have a 20' Duckworth. I am leaning to trying Oneida for a morning unless there is a decent chance near Henderson where I may have a good chance at catching a few. Any areas close to Henderson or Oneida? Depths, baits? Thanks


If you get one in Henderson it'll probably be a big one but they're hard to come by. I'm no expert up there but deep water trolling with big sticks seems to be the way to go, although I know guys that get 'em bass fishing on the drops.


Oneida is loaded this year and if you just want to catch a few to eat (15-20") I'd recommend that. Pretty much everything has been working this year. There's fish shallow in the weeds. Deep on structure. And out over the basin. Guys are catching them casting, jigging, drifting and trolling. So depending on how you like to fish you should be able to find some.


I assume you want to troll so out over the basin (30-45fow) pulling sticks and spoons thru bait around 20-25' down at 2-2.5mph will catch fish most days. Guys also do well trolling down deeper and slower. Again, mostly preference unless they are really locked into one bite for a period.


It's not too far from Henderson to Godfrey Point to launch. Good luck!


Thanks. I am here now and as you know its 20-22 mph so Oneida may be a option.


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