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Posted (edited)

Since the 1970's the ESLO, and now the LOC events have been the premier largescale events for Lake Ontario. We're all familiar with the format and how they operate each season. Until now there has not been another event with the potential to become bigger or offer a larger payout to the anglers. Here is a layout of some facts about the LOC events in a side-by-side comparison with the NYS Summer Classic with its new format and all it has to offer:


  2022 NYS Summer Classic         vs.        2022 LOC Derby Events

   (Large & Small Species Events)                       (Spring, Summer, & Fall Events)

*Catch & Release Offered (optional).                *Catch & Kill Events.

*Anglers can place in multiple species             *Anglers cannot place in more than one 

   divisions.                                                          species division.

*Guaranteed Fixed 85% Uncapped                   *Guaranteed Fixed Payout & Reducing 

  Payouts over 750 anglers: (As more                  Percentage: (As more anglers enter, the

  anglers enter more is paid out)(total                same amount is paid out)(total anglers

  anglers over all events)                                     over all events)

  5,000 anglers = $93,500 (85% Payout)             5,000 anglers = $150,125 (75% Payout)

  10,000 anglers = $187,000 (85% Payout)         10,000 anglers = $150,125 (43% Payout)

  20,000 anglers = $374,000 (85% Payout)         20,000 anglers = $150,125 (20-% Payout)

  50,000 anglers = $935,000 (85% Payout)         50,000 anglers = $150.125 (8% Payout)

*Typical Payout Percentage per event is            *Typical Payout Percentages:

  80-85% plus $5-10,000+ in sponsored             Spring Derby (~7500 anglers) = 20%

  goods. (angler count publicly displayed)          Summer Derby (~5,000 anglers) = 18%

                                                                             Fall Derby (~10,000 anglers) = 18%

                                                                             Plus little to no sponsor goods/backing.

                                                                            (angler count according to WNY promotions

                                                                             personnel, not publicly displayed)

*Very strong sponsor backing (12+                   *Little to no sponsor backing.

 companies) for $5-10K+ in additional cash

 & prizes.

*Charter friendly with boat entry option.           *Not charter friendly, all clients required to enter.

*Youth encouraged to participate - youth         *Not youth angler friendly - youth under 12 cannot

  of any age can compete and place                    compete.

  alongside the adults.

*Anglers can compete solo.                               *Anglers cannot compete solo.

*All anglers in a boat do not have to be            *All anglers in the boat have to be entered.


*Solid online platform that eliminates most      *Non-court compliant polygraphs used frequently

 foul play opportunities – polygraphs rarely       with a scale-based event design that allows for 

 used or necessary.                                              foul play opportunities.

*Photograph, video, and GPS encryption           *Fish entry at a designated weigh-in station any 

 for fish entry on the angler's cell phone             time on the day of the catch during shop hours

 at the time of the catch for verification.             with no other verification.

*Allows for 24/7 fishing.                                     *Must stop fishing to weigh-in and anglers are

                                                                            restricted to weigh-in hours.

*No additional travel necessary.                         *Additional travel required to enter fish.

*Proceeds at higher entry levels go back           *All proceeds benefit the LOC.

 into the fishery for stocking, pen rearing

 efforts, youth events, etc.

*Angler input drives event evolution and          *Angler input is not taken into consideration / event

 improvement.                                                     remains unchanged.

*Protocols exist in the rules to assist                 *No protocols exist to assist anglers.


*Includes overall and sometimes monthly         *Includes daily or weekly awards and overall awards.

 and/or weekly awards.

*No minimum fish sizes - weekly/monthly        *Fish minimum sizes - daily/weekly awards not

 awards always issued.                                         always awarded.

*14 species divisions with 10 placements          *4 species divisions with 20 placements = 80 placement

 plus a Lake Ontario Boat event = 145                winners.

 placement winners.

*Full transparency: # of competing anglers,      *Little to no transparency: angler count never given, no 

 full financial breakdown of payouts and            financials given, no sponsor relations, etc.

 sponsored goods, all questions answered,

 angler feedback encouraged, etc.

*No Favoritism - Rules & regulations applied    *Rules allow for certain anglers/situations to have them

 equally to all anglers.                                          applied differently. (i.e. polygraph requirement)

*$25/angler/event registration.                           *$40/angler/event registration.

*Highly visible across all media platforms.          *Somewhat visible on few media platforms.

*Awards ceremony at casino required for           *Awards ceremony at Capt. Jack's required for all Top-3

 all top-3 anglers, awards banquet, and               anglers, no banquet, no sportsman show, no perks.

 coupled with the Fall Classic Sportsman

 Show, plus casino free play.

*Premium multi-tier trophies.                              *Cup trophies or wooden plaques.

*Large giveaway of new gear to all youth           *No additional giveaways.

 who attend awards ceremony. 

*Live online leaderboard with new leader            *Online leaderboard updated daily.

 notification to all participants. 

*Fish are not required at the awards                    *Fish must be kept and brought to the awards ceremony.

 ceremony and do not need to be kept.

*Early bird entry giveaways, and online                *No early bird giveaways, no live shows to ask questions.

 live shows leading up to the event for

 angler questions/inquiries.

*Lower overhead costs = higher payouts.            *More overhead costs = same payout.


Everything stated here is factual and not opinion based. Both are great events, offer a ton of cash to be won, and each will suit anglers differently. However, the Summer Classic has the potential to offer the largest payout of any event run on Lake Ontario since it has no cap and maintains an 85% payout percentage. Again, there is a reason more and more events are making the switch to this type of format (online by length) - look at the comparison above and you decide. I encourage all anglers to enter one or both events and have fun this summer as we all enjoy the amazing fishery Lake Ontario has to offer!!


Register before June 30th to be entered into the early bird registration drawings including a new Aqua-Vu camera system just released this spring! Registration and more information for the NYS Summer Classic can be found at:

NYS Summer Classic


You can also follow the latest promotions and news for the event on Facebook at:

NYS Summer Classic


Any questions can be sent to me via PM or give me call direct at: (585) 330-0494. Stay tuned for sponsor announcements, promotions, and other ways to win!!

Tight lines and best of luck this summer!!

Classic Tourneys Logo.png

Edited by Finders Keepers
  • Haha 1

Sponsor announcements on Facebook started tonight and will be posted every night through June:

NYS Summer Classic Facebook


Tonight's featured sponsor is:
As our headlining sponsor again this year, they have put $1,250 of funding into the summer events, plus additional free play for the awards ceremony, discounted rooms for those staying at the casino after the awards, room space for the awards (and possible sportsman show), and advertising totaling over $7,000! If you get a chance this summer check out their live shows, horse cart races, gambling floor, and amazing facility!
Register for the Summer Classic at:
Tomorrow night we will announce another sponsor including one of our early bird drawing prizes - stay tuned!


Posted (edited)
**Pre-Tourney Update**
Tonight we would like to announce another amazing sponsor that has supported us since the beginning:
This year they have sent 3 systems (valued at over $1,000) for us to include in our giveaways including two Revolution 5.0 systems and the brand new AV722 that was added to their line-up this spring!! We will be including this system in our Early Bird Drawings to be held LIVE on the Tourney Facebook page on Thursday June 30th at 7pm! The AV722 retails for $399.99 and can be seen at:
To be eligible for the Early Bird Drawings, you must be registered by June 30th at Noon - register online at:
The other two Rev. 5.0 units will be given away in random drawings from the youth who enter fish each month (one for July, one for August)! Get those youth anglers out and engaged!! Fish entered by youth in all 14 species categories gain entrees, including the Lake Ontario Boat Event!
Stay tuned for more sponsor announcements each night as we approach the start of the Summer Classic on July 1st!! Join the Classic and have fun fishing this summer!


Aqua Vu HD logo2.png

Edited by Finders Keepers
Posted (edited)
Tonight we would like to highlight another long-standing sponsor of the Classic events:
FishUSA is a fantastic online retailer of everything fishing! This year we have $325 in gift cards to give away in the event, starting with one $25 card in the Early Bird drawings to be held on June 30th at 7pm LIVE on the Summer Classic Facebook page:
To be eligible for the Early Bird Giveaways, simply sign-up for any of the Summer Classic events for an entry: Large Species Event, Small Species Event, or Lake Ontario Boat Event. Registration can be found at:
Stay tuned for tomorrow's sponsor highlight as we work our way towards the start of the Summer Classic on July 1st! Enter today and join in the fun this summer!!

FishUSA Logo.png


Edited by Finders Keepers
Tonight we would like to highlight yet another long-time sponsor of the Classic events since the very beginning:
Plano is the largest producer and supplier of tackle solutions worldwide, and innovator for the new Edge and Flex boxes offering both rust inhibition, customizable compartments, and convenient labeling. We will have a number of these boxes to give away this year including one for the Early Bird Giveaways - it will be Angler's Choice from a selection of these award winning boxes!
To recap the Early Bird Giveaways announced so far:
(1) Aqua-vu AV722 Camera System
(1) $25 FishUSA Gift Card
(1) Plano Edge or Flex Box (Angler's Choice of box)
Too be eligible simply register for any of the three Summer Classic events (one EB Entry per event entry) by June 30th, then tune-in for the LIVE show June 30th at 7pm for the drawings! So Easy!!
Sign-up today at:
Stay tuned as we continue to announce this year's sponsor line-up every day through June leading up to the start of the event on July 1st!! Join in the fun this summer!

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Tonight we would like to highlight another sponsor that has been with us since the beginning:
Known for ice fishing gear and landing nets, Frabill continues to produce some of the best nets on the market! This year we have over $800 in nets to give away from their new Ultra-Light Conservation Series nets for the smaller species and all-time favorite Power Catch Series for the larger species!
Tomorrow night we will highlight yet another sponsor for this year's event!!

Frabill Logo.jpg

Tonight we would like to highlight another long-time supporter and sponsor of the Classic Events:
Koyote Ugly Spoons
Innovator of true-UV paints and a flasher design that crosses the roll of a Spin Doc and the kick of the echip for a very effective action on your lures, Koyote Ugly Spoons has allocated another round of spoons and flashers for this year's Summer Classic valued at over $350! To start, how about a pack of 4 flashers for the Early Bird drawings!
Register before June 30th to get in on the Early Bird drawings:

Koyote Ugly Spoons.png

Posted (edited)
Tonight we would like to highlight a sponsoring company that continues to grow every season, and who has been a sponsor of the Classic events since their start-up:
Operated by two reel cool kids, their worm harnesses and spoons are top-notch and best of all, they catch fish!! We'll have several packages to give away this year and you'll likely be able to see them at the Summer Classic Awards Ceremony! You can find selections in many local shops or check them out online at: https://reelcoollures.com/
Many more sponsors to come - we're not even halfway through them!! Only 10 days left until the Summer Classic kicks off on July 1st - are you in yet??


Edited by Finders Keepers
Tonight we would like to highlight another long-time sponsor of the Classic Events:
From the west coast the Addicted brand rings true with fishing enthusiasts across the globe and is fueled with educating others in the sport. They also sport an amazing line of fishing tackle and apparel. You can find them online via their website, YouTube channels, social media sites, etc.:
They continue to support our events with apparel and other tackle items. We also have some amazing things planned for the summer ahead with the Addicted crew - stay tuned!!


Tonight we would like to highlight yet another long-time supporter/sponsor of our events:
As one of the best taxidermists in CNY, Randy continues to produce amazing pieces for anglers and hunters alike! Both foreign and domestic species, his work is absolutely beautiful and captures the colors and details at the time of the score to be remembered forever! If you have a piece you'd like done, drop Randy a line!
Only 8 days until the start of the 2022 Summer Classic - are you in yet?? Tomorrow we drop another sponsor onto the list!!

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Today we would like to highlight another long-time supporter/sponsor of the Classic Events:
Brian Hammond creates some of the most well-known and used walleye worm harnesses for Oneida Lake (and other waterways). Living on Oneida Lake, Brian knows those waters well and what will produce. We'll have a pile of his harnesses and some apparel to give away this year! Check out his shop and get more info at:
Just a reminder, get entered into the Summer Classic by June 30th at noon and for each event you register for you will gain one entry into the Early Bird Giveaway Drawings that we will do during our LIVE show on June 30th to kick-off the start of the tourney on July 1st!! Here's a rundown of the giveaways so far:
(1) Aqua-vu AV722 Camera System
(1) $25 FishUSA Gift Card
(1) Plano Edge or Flex Box (Angler's Choice of box from our stock)
(1) 4-Pack of Koyote Ugly Flashers
Today let's add a 48" Frabill Benchmark Aluminum Bump Board to the list of giveaways! Are you in yet??


Today we would like to highlight another long-time supporter/sponsor of the Classic Events since the very beginning:
One of the best for graphics work, vehicle and boat wraps, signage, decals, banners, etc. and located in Webster, NY, these guys can tackle any graphics job! Their work and support has been paramount in developing the Classic Events brand! Check them out at: https://www.vitalsignsroc.com/
Lots more to come as we approach the start of the Summer Classic on July 1st - stay tuned!!

Vital Signs Logo 2018.png

Today we would like to highlight another long-time sponsor of the Classic Events:
Nautic Sport has created power packs small enough to fit in your tackle box and powerful enough to jump start your truck or boat!! Packed with features like USB connections, a flashlight, and additional adapters, these are fantastic power solutions for all of your electronics! Check out the new packs at:
We'll have one of their smaller packs to give away in this year's event! The Summer Classic starts this Friday with the Early Bird Registration Drawings this Thursday night at 7pm LIVE on Facebook, are you in yet??

Nautic Sport LOGO.jpg

Today we would like to highlight another long-time sponsor of the Classic Events:
Okuma offers a wide variety of rods, reels, and apparel for every kind of fishing - from ultra-light action for panfish and finesse fishing applications to ultra-rugged heavy duty saltwater offshore applications, including a range from economical to high-end! built to last and assisting in angler success, their line-up of tackle is world-class! Get all the details and models at:
This year we have some Classic Pro rods and Convector reels to give away, PLUS all 1st place anglers in the Small Species and Large Species Divisions will receive an Okuma Sun Hat! Only a couple days left to get in on the Early Bird Giveaways - see tourney details and enter today at: NYSsummerclassic.com

Inspired Fishing logo final.jpg


NOTE: The LIVE Show and Early Bird Drawings will be postponed - date TBA.
Due to a couple last minute charter bookings and other festivities already planned for this weekend, the Early Bird Drawings and LIVE show will need to be postponed - date TBA.
Tonight we would like to highlight another long-time supporter and sponsor of the Classic Events:
Owner Scott Brauer has always been a fan of the Classic Events particularly due to the youth angler involvement and engagement. Every year he provides us with a large selection of baits and other gear to put into all of the prize packages and youth giveaways! Makiplastic makes some of the most realistic baits available mimicking the insects fish forage on all year long. Check out their selection at: https://clamoutdoors.com/maki-plastics
Stay tuned for the announcement of the new date for the Early Bird Giveaway drawings and get ready for the start of the Summer Classic on Friday!! #NYSSummerClassic #Makiplastic

Maki Logo.jpg

**Tourney Update - Week #1**
Today was Day 5 of the Summer Classic and already we have some nice fishing hitting the boards - here are the current leaders:
Small Species Division Event:
Crappie: Big D Moon - 13.50"
Catfish: Eric Scordo - 38.25"
Largemouth Bass: David Muir - 20.50"
Panfish: Jeramy Eckman - 10.50"
Rock Bass: Peter Szymanski - 9.75"
Smallmouth Bass: Dan White - 19.50"
Yellow Perch: Dan White - 14.00"
Large Species Division Event:
Brown Trout: Daryl Stewart - 15.50"
Lake Trout: AJ Cardinale - 28.50"
Northern Pike/Musky: Daryl Stewart - 37.75"
Salmon: Manny Medeiros - 37.50"
Sheepshead: Eric Scordo - 27.00"
Steelhead/Rainbow Trout: Andy Cozzolino Jr. - 10.75"
Walleye: Luke Breault - 24.25"
Lake Ontario Boat Event:
Boat Total (5 Kings): Nate Stephenson - 36.50"
The Summer Classic runs through the end of August and as more anglers join in, the higher the payouts will grow! Join in the fun this summer! Lots more to come - stay tuned!!

AJ - Laketrout.jpg

Andy - Rainbow.jpg

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Darryl - Pike.jpeg

David - LMB.jpg

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Eric - Sheepshead.jpg

Luke - Walleye.jpeg

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Nate - Boat - Salmon.jpg


Peter - Rock Bass.jpg

  • 2 weeks later...
**Tourney Update - Week #2**
Tomorrow ends Week #2 of the Summer Classic and the live leaderboards continue to light up with some nice fish being entered - here are the current leaders:
Small Species Division Event:
Crappie: Lucas Palmer - 14.25"
Catfish: Eric Scordo - 38.25"
Largemouth Bass: David Muir - 20.50"
Panfish: Jeramy Eckman - 10.50"
Rock Bass: Kathleen Muir - 10.50"
Smallmouth Bass: Dan White - 19.50"
Yellow Perch: Dan White - 14.00"
Large Species Division Event:
Brown Trout: Steven Connolly - 21.00"
Lake Trout: AJ Cardinale - 28.50"
Northern Pike/Musky: Daryl Stewart - 37.75"
Salmon: Manny Medeiros - 37.50"
Sheepshead: Jason Stevens - 29.50"
Steelhead/Rainbow Trout: Bob Rustowicz - 31.75"
Walleye: Bob Rustowicz - 25.50"
Lake Ontario Boat Event:
Boat Total (5 Kings): Nate Stephenson - 109.50"
There's still lots of time to get in on the action this summer (with over 6 weeks to go) and experience all the benefits of the next generation of fishing tournaments! Those fishing other events, like on Lake Ontario, can double dip by entering your boat into the Lake Ontario Boat Event where every fish caught on the registered boat can be entered no matter who catches it - even for non-communication events! Register today at:
(NOTE: you must register the day before you wish to start entering fish)

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Jason - SH.jpg

Kathy - RB.jpg

Lucas - Crappie.jpg

Nate - Boat - Salmon.jpg

Steven - BT.jpeg

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)
**Tourney Update - Week #7**
NOTICE: The Summer Classic Awards Ceremony has been scheduled for November 19th at the Batavia Downs Casino. Full details, dinner banquet reservations, and timeline of events to come!
We are heading into the last week of the 2022 event! Here are the current leaders:
Small Species Division Event:
Crappie: Lucas Palmer - 14.25"
Catfish: Eric Scordo - 38.25"
Largemouth Bass: Jose Vuittonet - 20.75"
Panfish: Jeramy Eckman - 10.50"
Rock Bass: Kathleen Muir - 10.50"
Smallmouth Bass: Brett Holmes - 21.50"
Yellow Perch: Dan White - 14.00"
Large Species Division Event:
Brown Trout: Brian Swartz - 29.50"
Lake Trout: Sarah Oliver - 34.00"
Northern Pike/Musky: Daryl Stewart - 37.75"
Salmon: William Marshall - 39.50"
Sheepshead: Jason Stevens - 29.50"
Steelhead/Rainbow Trout: Cameron Hasner - 31.00"
Walleye: Bob Rustowicz - 29.50"
Lake Ontario Boat Event:
Boat Total (5 Kings): David Urban - 193.00"
Best of luck to everyone for the remainder of the event!

Dave - King.jpg

Edited by Finders Keepers
Awards ceremony date change
  • 4 weeks later...
The 2022 winning anglers/fish can be found at the following links:
I would like to thank all of the 2022 sponsors:
Batavia Downs Casino, Frabill, Plano, Okuma, Aqua-Vu, Addicted Fishing, Fillet Away Fish Mats, Koyote Ugly Spoons, Reel Cool Lures, Savage Gear, Automatic Fisherman, Northland Tackle, Nautic Sport, Clingerman Taxidermy, GMSS, Celox, FishUSA, Makiplastic, Fish Donkey, SOCO Baits, BHammer Tackle, Vital Signs, and LOU.
NOTICE: The Summer Classic Awards Ceremony has been scheduled for November 19th at the Batavia Downs Casino. Full details, dinner banquet reservations, and timeline of events to come!

You scheduled the awards ceremony on the opening day of the Southern Zone gun season for deer? That seems like an odd choice IMHO, given that many sportsmen cross-over between fishing and hunting. Any particular reason?

  On 9/13/2022 at 10:50 AM, Gator said:

You scheduled the awards ceremony on the opening day of the Southern Zone gun season for deer? That seems like an odd choice IMHO, given that many sportsmen cross-over between fishing and hunting. Any particular reason?


Only Sat this fall that worked for the casino and hotel with rooms available for anglers to stay over. With anglers coming in from all over the state (and out of state in some cases) we have to have rooms available to make the event feasible. Not ideal by any means, but having no event poses many more issues... Optional dinner banquet is at 5pm, awards 7-9pm, so those who want to hunt could go in the morning, attend the awards that night, and then head out right after the awards - again, not ideal but doable. 

  On 9/13/2022 at 11:22 AM, Finders Keepers said:

Only Sat this fall that worked for the casino and hotel with rooms available for anglers to stay over. With anglers coming in from all over the state (and out of state in some cases) we have to have rooms available to make the event feasible. Not ideal by any means, but having no event poses many more issues... Optional dinner banquet is at 5pm, awards 7-9pm, so those who want to hunt could go in the morning, attend the awards that night, and then head out right after the awards - again, not ideal but doable. 


You cant hunt in the evenings after the awards ceremony when it gets dark at 5pm....

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